New: Herb and Honey Lollies!
I just wanted to write a quick update that I have been doing some kitchen witchin' and have been playing with recipes for Herbal Infused Honey Lollipops, so far I have tried two recipes out. One is a pure honey and lavender lolly that turned out really great, strongly lavendery at the begining but mellowing out as you continue. The second was a Honey, Elderberry, Cinnamon and Ginger Lolly and while its tasty and I know it will be effective it wasn't as strongly flavoured as I would have liked so it will be a recipe that I have to play with. It made so many though!!! I brought them to the Farmers Market yesterday in Lake Cowichan so if you bought one please send me some honest feed back - I can take brutal honesty and its the only way I know how to make improvements!
As soon as these are 'perfected' I will put them for sale on the website until then please email me if you would like to try a discounted sample!
On to the Ingredients! For the base of the lollys I used Honey which seems like a no brainer when your trying to soothe a sore throat but did you also know that honey is an important to allie in boosting your immune system? It has antibacterial properties to help kill of the bugs and tons of antioxidants to help your body fight the free radicals causing harm; this works on many levels including as an antiaging agent which is why I love to wash my face with pure honey. It may seem counter intuitive to use sugar but as long as you rinse it all off it will leave your skin incredibly soft! But we're talking about immune system benefits so lets move on to its microbial benefits for also working to clear a sore throat at the source! Other honorable mentions include its ability to help a hangover - add to a yogurt and orange juice smoothie for best results. Honey is also anti-cancer more and more studies are pointing out its anti-tumor and carcinogen preventing properties!!!
Lavender is another powerhouse for your immune system, it is antibacterial, anti viral, anti septic, anti biotic, and anti fungal working to restore your body back to its natural state of health.
Elderberry works to support and stimulate your immune system especially to improve heart health and for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsillitis. It is high in Vitamins A, B and C as well as flavinoids, amino acids and many trace minerals. It was used to treat a flu epidemic in Panama in 1995.
Cinnamon is also anti microbial and full of calcium and manganese which helps to keep your body strong. Plus it is tasty and warming and has been used with ginger to treat a common cold for many many years in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Ginger is an anti histamine and decongestant and ofcourse we all know about its ability to help with nausea!