What we came across while walking:
I thought today I would share with you a little walk that I went on with my two favorite girls, my daughter and my doggie:

We found a few nettles, these were a great find as they were still so young and tender, I love to harvest nettles in all of their growth stages, from young and fresh to mature and seeding, each stage offers different benefits and I feel that using them this way creates a more whole and complete remedy. Most of the nettles out now have been topped by the Elk, something must make them tasty now even though if I am eating them I prefer then nice and tender like this one here:

We also found some very tasty huckleberries that my daughter thought were so much fun to pick! These berries and rich in antioxidants and a tea made of the leaves can help reduce the inflammation in the body caused by allergies.

Where we are there is always lots of Vanilla leaf, to be honest I have never harvested this but it is said to be very aromatic and vanillay when dried and as a tea. It has also been used by the natives for years as an insect repellant, either dried and hung in door ways or rubbed directly onto the skin. I have also heard that it can be helpful in soothing nettle stings.

Thanks for joining us on our walk! Take Care!